Health Articles

  • Dislocating your elbow is a very painful injury. Fortunately, it’s not a very common occurrence. The most common cause of elbow dislocation is falling onto your arm while your elbow is in the straight and locked position.  When this…

  • Spring is the perfect time to get outside and feel alive. At Black Hills Orthopedic & Spine Center, we want to get you moving this spring. Being active and outdoors makes you feel like a new person, especially after being stuck in the house…

  • The cold weather may make you dread your workout, but packing away your workout gear and waiting for the warm weather to come back is not the solution. It is important to keep your muscles active year round. Here are a few tips to keep your muscles…

  • Trigger finger is a condition that limits finger movement by locking before popping out straight.  Flexor tendons control the movements of the fingers and the thumb by extending from the muscles through the wrist, and attaching to the small…

  • With the New Year here, many people are looking to get healthier with resolutions to become more active.  Whether you chose to join a competitive sport, get a membership at a local gym, or participate in a recreational activity, becoming more…